Touchstone TMS is accepting patients for TMS & Spravato.

Touchstone TMS is accepting patients for TMS & Spravato.

Insurance & Fees


Dr. Peterson at TLC accepts cash and check only and does not take insurance. Most insurances will reimburse a portion of Dr. Peterson’s fees but individuals should check with their insurer to be sure that this is the case. Dr. Peterson will work with individuals to provide them documentation which they may use with their insurer. Payment is due at the time of service.


Office Hours are flexible to meet the needs of clients. Contact to arrange intake/diagnostic evaluation and follow up appointments should be through email or telephonic contact. Please contact Dr. Peterson via telephone or email to inquire into current service rates. All care is given by appointment only.


There is a 24 hour cancellation policy with Touchstone Life Center and a charge for missed appointments after that time may be applied